This picture of the tramatic event that happened Tuesday 23rd at 1:30pm-actually makes me rather excited...Now. At the time there were FireFighters, Removed toilets for water dispersement, Tears, Screaming, Shaking, Hugs, Support, Cinnamon Buns and now we see the "Silver Lining"
Karen McKinnon invented the "Silver Lining" She with her Buds at Roots the Salon created happiness from disaster.
This wasn't our "job" it was our 3rd child. We didn't decide to bring in Cloth diapers and our unique new products to get rich-this is our passion, it's all passion for us. And now its Wet. Wet beyond wet and dirty. But we were very lucky to have our Consignment section saved-how we are baffled but untouched. Thank you water gods for saving our "bread and butter"
Now with the help of this amazing community we carry on-in many ways better off. Our Spirits are soaring and our new sign will be high....
Please check back for our new location announcement- heres a hint...
If you can see Bikes...you can see us :)
Open for business Monday November 29th (fingers crossed)
Stay Tuned..
Hmm, cant wait to come and see you at the new store, I have boxes if you still need but work tomorrow until 4pm. Big Hugs.